k3t's cottage
many doors. which one though?                  Bookmarks  Posts  Tools  Contact  
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|                                                    (Created by k3t)          |
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| k3t's cottage                                                                |
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welcome to thy collage :3
this site will forever be a wip, unless some unfortunate shit happens.
expect some changes soon :3

changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------------

6/20/2024 | kot update
6/18/2024 | added a proper favicon, also changed the frontpage to be less dark..
          | updated 404.html+template.html too lol

6/17/2024 | started working on the other folders lol
6/10/2024 | pushed out the very first revision of the site :D
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k3t (C) 2024 [this means nothing lmfao] | site design from kisslinux